Fall For All 2024!

September 17 - UMM Regional Men’s dinner at Providence UMC @6pm

Join us for another inspiration men’s dinner hosted by Providence UMC.

September 16 & 19 - Disciple Fast Track: New Testament

Monday Evenings @6:30pm OR thursday Mornings @10am weekly.

September 22 - Mission Possible Kids Event @4pm

Calling all 4th & 5th Graders - Explore our faith, make new friends, and discover your unique gifts.

September 22 - Hospitality Training @11:15am

We’ll meet in the sanctuary. Lunch will be provided - RSVP to office@stfrancischarlotte.org

September 24 - Contemplative Prayer Monthly Meeting @7pm

Richard Rohr’s “A Spring Within Us” will be used for meditation and prayer.

September 26 - A.A.C.T.’s Senior Lunch Bunch Monthly @10am

We’re all about community enrichment through missions and having fun social gatherings.

September 29 - St. Francis Meet-up at The Bowl (OMB) @4-6pm

Meet up for fun, food, fellowship, and a beer or two!

October 2 - Cantata Rehearsals Begin @6pm

“The Silence and The Sound” explores the mystery and the majesty of Christ’s birth . 12/22 performance

October 3 & 4 - Youth Fall Retreat

A getaway for spiritual growth and bonding. Overnight camping in Damascus, VA and cycling down the Virginia Creeper Trail.

October 6 - Children’s Christmas Play Practice Begins @11:15am

October 8 - Empowering Parents presents Kids’ Brains & Screens @6:30pm

Essential webinar for parents, grandparents, teachers, etc. Learn more and register!

October 9 - Yoga @ St. Francis in the sanctuary, Weekly @8:30-9:30am

October 24 - A.A.C.T.’s Service Project @ Common Heart

October 26 - Trunk or Treat Community Event @4-6pm

October 27 - Annual charge Conference

October 29 - Contemplative Prayer Monthly Meeting @7pm

November 2 - Youth “Make-a-Difference” Service Project @1-3pm

November 3 - All Saints Remembrance Service

November 10 - Distribute Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child

November 10 - Church-wide Fellowship Meal @6pm

November 12 - Contemplative Prayer Monthly Meeting @7pm

November 16 - Church Beautification Day

We will plant over 150 daffodils in front of the church to trim, clean and beautify the church.

November 17 - Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes due at church

November 24 - Deck the Halls (church & pavilion) @11:15am

November 24 - Kid’s Lunch Bunch Friendsgiving @11:30am

Bring your family, invite a friend to share a meal for Thanksgiving together!