
ScreenStrong’s “Kids’ Brains and Screens” Tuesday October 8, 2024, 6:30pm

This workshop will give a basic overview of the science behind healthy brain development, the effects of screen use on developing brains, symptoms of screen overuse, and our solutions to prevent and reverse the effects of addictive screen habits.

Education is key to winning the screen-time battle. ScreenStrong believes there are solutions. We’ll share:

  • What to do

  • Why to do

  • How to do

It is a family journey. We share research-based, science-based information in a judgment-free zone. Our goal is to encourage and empower you.

We want to give our kids back their childhoods.

Meet our speaker: Mandee Hamann

Mandee Hamann, businesswoman and former early childhood/children’s pastor is a mom to 2 young adults and 1 teenager. After her own family struggled with toxic screen issues, she was introduced to ScreenStrong. The ScreenStrong lifestyle changed everything for her family. Mandee became a ScreenStrong Ambassador and is committed to spreading this powerful message. She occasionally guest hosts on the ScreenStrong Families Podcast

and is a member of the ScreenStrong team as the Ambassador Liaison . She enjoys training & equipping Ambassadors from all over the globe to spread the ScreenStrong solution to screen conflicts in the home.

ScreenStrong empowers families to prevent screen problems and reclaim their kids from toxic screens—social media, video games, pornography.

Our science-based solutions are not screen-free. Instead, we replace toxic screen use with healthy activities, life skill development, and family connections.

No more opinion-based answers, no more failed promises of parental controls. Rather, we support evidence-based, developmentally accurate medical research to guide you on your journey of preventing and addressing childhood screen dependency. We give you the roadmap to get there no matter where you are on your journey.

The result? Strong kids. Strong families.

ScreenStrong believes in keeping the benefits of useful tech for kids while empowering parents to remove toxic tech.

Education about screens leads to freedom from screen dependency.

About ScreenStrong

Empowering Parents, Supporting Families, a ministry of St. Francis United Methodist Church, offers parents and care givers research-based education to support the healthy growth and development of children and youth. Our speaker series focuses on learning together in a non-judgmental setting to foster a more joyful parenting journey with strong family connections where children and adolescents can thrive and flourish.

The speaker series was launched in 2023 with “Parenting with Love, Respect, and Natural Consequences” and “Helping Children and Adolescents Navigate Friendships.” In October 2024, Empowering Parents is hosting ScreenStrong’s “Kids’ Brains and Screens” workshop, providing a basic overview of the science behind healthy brain development, the effects of screen use on developing brains, symptoms of screen overuse, and solutions to prevent and reverse the effects of addictive screen habits. The series continues in February 2025 with education about stress and anxiety experienced by children and youth.


St. Francis United Methodist Church

Tuesday, October 8th, 6:30pm