

St. Francis Preschool is designed for two, three, and four-year-olds. In a caring and positive atmosphere, we create a warm and happy place for preschool children to learn. We offer developmentally appropriate activities that will help prepare your children for academic success.

Our program emphasizes "faith development in our children," helping them to build trust, hope, creativity, and joyful hearts. As a Christian church, we place Jesus Christ at the center of all we do.

Curriculum Goals

Our curriculum is designed to help children be excited about learning and learn through developmentally appropriate activities. We provide activities that help prepare them for academic success. Our three-year-old classes receive a written evaluation in mid-January, and our four-year-old classes have parent/teacher conferences at the end of January with an evaluation of their child: emotionally, socially, and academically. They will discuss their upcoming Kindergarten year.

Pam Cook

Pam helped establish the St. Francis Preschool and has been the director since 1994.

Contact her by phone: (704) 846-8177 or email

Hours of operation

9:00 am - 1:00 pm Monday - Thursday

We operate on a September-May schedule, excluding public school holidays which are listed in our handbook.